In-humanities such as: war, terrorism, racism and cultural prejudices are heating up to extremely dangerous levels. Globally, humanity is beginning to recognize that we all must accept the “Right-to-Exist” existence of thousands of sub-cultures with different beliefs and values. Physical Conflicts between these thousands of co-existing cultures is no longer a way for humanity to progress.
Nuclear (and Biological) weapons are spreading again. If war breaks out it could blow us all up and destroy this side of “Paradise”. Only a foolish general doesn’t realize that a next global war will go nuclear very quickly. We civilians realize this would be the epitome of stupidity and foolishness, plus we see the same foolish “war weapons strutting” that occurred around the world prior to WW I and WW II. Clearly, the world needs a revival of cultural “Live and Let Live”. Respect for others to have beliefs and values as they wish is essential to the survival of humanity in this generation.
As we mature, changes in beliefs occur within the individual. We must be taught to understand and acknowledge our present diversities, and begin our era to end Cultural Homogenization and embrace Cultural Diversity.
Cultural Warfare underlies most conflicts between and within nations. The way to stop the warfare is to find ways to accept each other’s rights to our beliefs and their rights to their beliefs. This cannot be achieved by physical confrontation or domination. It can only be achieved by mental communication, understanding, forgiveness, acceptance and perhaps some assimilation in common interests, like raising kids and families.
“Global Cultural Harmonization and Assimilation” is the Keystone of the CFP- Canadian Federalist Party Strategic Plan and 100 Year Vision for CANADA. The concepts and visions of this virtual political party emanate from our Canadian Heritage. Since 7000 B.C., Canadian Communities have developed throughout our country. Canada’s present mix of cultures include some from every nation, plus many of their intra-cultures. The majority of Canadians believe our predominant Native/ Judeo-Christian Heritage and CULTURE,that thousands of our soldiers have died for, is worthy to protect and build upon.
The one thing we can likely count on, is that every inter- and intra-cultural group entitled to be called a CANADIAN, is proud of being a Canadian in the same way. Thus, the CFP goal in Canada, and around the world, will be achievable through the application of a strategy of cultural inter-culture leader connections followed by intra-culture connections and education about the message of peaceful co-existence and harmony.
The present inter-cultural animosity heating up in the USA is merely an extension of similar conflicts within every nation. Hopefully, the initial steps of senior leaders to share some private time to discover paths of mutual benefit and enable the creation of pathways to less violence and hatred for all intra-cultural conflicts that has begun in America will grow like a tree across their country, and ours, and then around the globe.
Implementation of this strategy rests in the hands of each Canadian, especially those in leadership, will only occur when simple one-on-one discussions between cultural leaders begin. These processes will lower the flames of hatred or mistrust and bring the bonding power of respect to our country.
Another Strategy of the CFP is designed to change the “conflict–generating” efforts of some cultures to obtain selective intra-cultural legal privileges or to deny others legal exceptions that conflict with Canadian beliefs, values, moral and ethical principles and responsibilities as Canadians. Our Strategy is for Canadians to adopt a framework of responsibility above our Charter of Rights. A CFP Constitutional Amendment: DECLARATION OF CANADIAN SPIRITUAL HERITAGE, RESPONSIBILITIES AND VALUES, which is designed to establish a common perspective concerning our CANADIAN NATIONAL CULTURE component for our thousands of intra-cultures.
The CFP is convinced that these two Strategic Initiative “grass-roots” Strategies will begin to create more harmonious dialogue and greater cultural freedoms across Canada and become a beacon for others.
Jim Reid Founder: CFP- Canadian Federalist Party (Virtual)
Copyright © Canadian Federalist Party, 2010