Canadian Federalist Party

Federalism / Provincialism


The original federal and provincial distribution of wealth and political power fit the paradigm of thought of that 1867 era. Changes since then, and the patriation of our constitution, have helped Canada adapt to some evolving changes in our world, but the fact is that Canada's remaining federal/ provincial constitutional structure is a divisive and weakening model for our future prosperity.

The CFP has adopted a new 100 year vision of how we need to restructure ourselves to become the most prosperous and most successful nation on this planet. We have been gifted with almost everything this world has to offer, but we have not understood how to effectively manage our greatness. The 21st century should be Canada's century.

Canada's future success will flow out of a national, not a provincial vision. The role of our provinces is to implement our national vision, and not to be self-serving of regional interests. If we succumb to narrow strategies we will be forced into future dependencies on the visions of other nations. Canada needs the CFP to keep us united and together.

A foundational miracle overlooked by most Canadians is that our country was created by the amalgamation of two cultures, french and english, that had been in almost constant conflict for more than a thousand years. In 2017, Canada will be only 150 years old, yet during that time we have evolved into one of the most culturally divers nations in the world.

Our constituted Federal/ Provincial government structure has survived through great compromises and more such compromises will be necessary if we are to survive this century. It is this quest for moderation that binds us together in our diversity.

Canadians are grateful for the insight, wisdom and foresight given to our founding fathers. Much of their vision is still applicable to-day.

Since then, we have experienced remarkable changes unforseen 150 years ago. For example, Canada's resources were much too vast to imagine or quantify, nevertheless manage, in those days. In fact, this was a primary problem that could only be addressed by assigning their development to a smaller scale via Provincial management. Yet to-day, we have the technology and ability to manage Canada's resources on a grand scale for the benefit of all Canadians rather than favouring individual parts of our country.

Similarly, education was assigned to the Catholic and Protestant Churches within the Provinces. Yet to-day, we have remarkable new tools to educate and train our people across the nation simultaneously. We need a new vision for the roles and processes of education.

Of course, as institutions evolve they constantly seek ways to standardize and perpetuate themselves. Resistance to changes is a cultural norm and "survival" a strategic mandate for these organizations.

An important role of the CFP will be to help these institutions adopt new visions and re-invent themselves to provide greater opportinities for the growth and development of our Canadian society and culture.

The following are a few extracts fom the CFP's constitution that reflect some perspectives on opportunities to modify Federal and Provincial roles, responsibilities and institutions.


5.1.11 We believe that Canada has been woven together by threads of accommodation, both powerful and fragile -- powerful in what they support, fragile in that the passions of division are a constant threat. Never believe that Canada has a right to eternally exist. It exists because we as Canadians will it to exist. This existence is easily endangered by those who stoke the divisions of region versus region, immigrant versus non-immigrant, aboriginal versus non-aboriginal, and rich versus poor.

Asymmetrical Federalism

5.1.14 We believe asymmetrical federalism is the genius of Canadian confederation and the reason our diverse regions have worked together to create the best country on earth. (We don't need each region of Canada to become a mirror image of each other.)

Provincial Uniquenesses

5.1.15 We believe that the provinces are inherently different, and their jurisdictions should reflect this. But, we believe devolving more powers to the provinces would weaken our nation. We need fewer provincial barriers, not more. We need more ties that bind us, not fewer.

Economic Growth

5.1.22 We believe that a healthy economy is important, but increasing the size of the gross national product is not in itself a sufficient goal for a civilized nation. We are concerned about the effects of economic growth – what this does to our environment, what kind of living conditions it creates, what is its effects on the countryside, what is its effects on our cities; whether a greater feeling of justice and fairness and self – fulfillment result from this growth, thereby strengthening the social order and improving the quality of national life.

Canada's distibution of responsibilities between the federal and provincial governments were well suited for 150 years ago, but a revised alignment in this century could accelerate our social and economic development.

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