Canadian Federalist Party

Global Role


The CFP believes that Canada should lead by example in pursuing noble human values and causes at home and abroad. This means that we need to establish clear understandings of our beliefs and strategies for helping this to be a better world.

As we look around the world, there are a great number of on-going serious problems and issues that require dedication, perseverance, patience and leadership. Under the CFP's leadership, Canada will assume a vital role in gathering like minded nations into a global effort against oppressive conditions throughout the world.

A Beacon of Light for the World: A Vision of Canada’s International Role in the 21st Century.

The world calls loudly for a real democratic formula to bring life to its [entire] people. It is not going to be done by guns, making armies or bombs, but by a program in which the people themselves will participate. This is democracy not only in the political sense but it is participation by the people in economic, social, and educational forces which condition their lives.

- Michael Moses Coady

The very agonies of war and the dark night of suffering that has lasted for centuries are awakening civilization to a new understanding: the peoples of the Earth have a sacred right to peace.

- Senator Douglas Roche


The CFP will institute new foreign policies that are proactive and visionary. The role of these policies will be to promote cooperation and extend noble human values to the world. This comes from caring about the well-being of people in our own and in other countries, recognizing that all nations exist interdependently in one global "society," and, therefore, wanting to cooperate with other nations to solve major issues including: hunger, disease, oppression of women, exploitation of children, and political despotism.

The CFP will practice internal: conflict prevention, environmental restoration, resource renewal, trade balancing, debt reduction, community security, and institutional capacity building. The lessons and practices we acquire in Canada will be shared with countries willing to reconstruct their infrastructures.

Our Foreign policy will be guided by such noble principles as: self-determination, human rights, democratic governance, environmental sustainability and the establishment of international institutions.

The CFP will support efforts to eliminate acts of terror and the apprehension of terrorists. The CFP will also participate in the global fight against the root causes of terror that include: illiteracy, poverty, political & religious extremism, anarchy, injustice and unemployment.

Canada has a duty to contribute to international peace and security in as many ways as possible. Canadian security spending may include: support for socially equitable economic development, promotion of human rights. democratic governance, environmental protection, humanitarian missions, arms control, military and policing support and disarmament agreements, implementation, and verification.

Nuclear Disarmament

The Canadian Federalist Party will:

  1. Promote effective and equitable enforcement of international law and standards.
  2. Work consistently to reduce the political legitimacy and military value of nuclear weapons.
  3. Encourage Russia and the US to undertake further reductions of their nuclear arsenals, and to commit to the irreversibility of these cuts.
  4. Press the Conference on Disarmament (CD) to move rapidly forward on the Fissile Material Control Treaty (FMCT), Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS), and other disarmament questions.
  5. Call on NATO to undertake a thorough review of its nuclear policies, and NATO should call for extensive civil society participation in such a review.
  6. Continue to support programs to aid in the destruction of chemical and biological weapons stockpiles, to fulfill requirements under the BTWC and CWC.
  7. Engage the industrial and scientific sectors in discussions about appropriate measures to assure implementation of arms control agreements without unacceptable infringements upon intellectual property rights or scientific development.
  8. Declare Canada a military nuclear-free zone.

Peace And Security

The Canadian Federalist Party will support the creation of a new government department, “ Department of Peace”. The functions of the department will include:

  1. Reinvigorate Canada’s role as a global peacemaker and peace builder;
  2. Monitor and report on all on-going conflicts around the world;
  3. Promote justice and democratic principles to expand human rights and the security of persons and their communities, consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, other related UN treaties, conventions and the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace (1999);
  4. Promote disarmament and strengthen non-military means of peacemaking;
  5. Develop new approaches to non-violent intervention, and utilize constructive dialogue, mediation and the peaceful resolution of international conflicts;
  6. Make annual reports to Cabinet and Parliament on the sale of arms from Canada to other nations, and between foreign nations, with analysis of the multiple impacts of such sales and how they affect peace;
  7. Encourage the development of peace initiatives from local communities, faith groups and NGOs;
  8. Facilitate the development of peace and reconciliation summits to promote non-violent communication and mutually-beneficial solutions;
  9. Provide, with National Defense, for the training of all Canadian military and civilian personnel who administer post-conflict reconstruction and demobilization in war-torn societies; and
  10. Fund the development of peace initiative curriculum materials for use at all educational levels;
  11. Support the role of the UN as a global organization of conflict management and peacekeeping. Where UN conflict prevention fails, or genocide ensues, Canadian forces in situ may be authorized by Canada to prevent further human rights violations.
  12. Support the International Criminal Court and lobby to include mass rape and lasting environmental contamination as war crimes.
  13. Work to establish a standing international peacekeeping force under UN control;
  14. Establish a fully funded and equipped Canadian Rapid Response Force with a mandate for peacekeeping and environmental restoration in both international crisis situations and domestic emergencies;
  15. Create a multi-partite senior co-ordinating board for Foreign Affairs, National Defense, CIDA and International Aid agencies.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

The Canadian Federalist Party will:

  • Support peace-building programs between the Israelis & Palestinians.

Human Rights

The Canadian Federalist Party will:

  1. Endorse the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the humanitarian role of the International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions, and other international institutions and instruments for the protection of individual rights and freedoms. We believe that these rights are universal and indivisible and that all national governments are responsible and accountable for upholding them.
  2. Condemn all dictatorships and regimes that deny human rights, regardless of their political claims.
  3. Work with local communities to promote awareness of human rights, and to ensure that the UN Commission for Human Rights and other treaty bodies are adequately resourced.
  4. Call for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be amended to include rights to a healthy natural environment and intergenerational rights to natural and cultural resources.
  5. Uphold the right of women to make their own decisions, including any control over their personal fertility by the means they deem appropriate, free from discrimination or coercion, and will work to have the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) ratified, to remove reservations, and to bring the Optional Protocol into force.
  6. Support the right of indigenous peoples to: Nation within Canada status, self-governance according to Canadian Federal statutory legislation, recognized land rights, access to traditional hunting and fishing rights for their own subsistence using humane and ecologically sustainable techniques; and to establish their own international bodies.
  7. Review and consultation of the 1993 Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as the minimum standard of protection accepted by Canadian indigenous peoples.
  8. Oppose any violation of the physical integrity of the individual by torture, punishment or any other opposed and outlawed forceful practices including mutilations.
  9. Call for the death penalty to be abolished worldwide.
  10. Call for governments to ensure that all asylum-seekers, whether they are victims of state violence or independent armed groups, are correctly treated in accordance with the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Rights to Asylum;
  11. Support the development of a parliamentary assembly at the UN and endorse the “Appeal for the establishment of a Parliamentary Assembly at the United Nations.”
  12. Call for the prohibition of collective expulsion.
  13. Uphold the right of all workers to safe, fairly remunerated employment, with the freedom to unionize.
  14. Support the right of children to grow up free from the need to work, and the establishment of a universal lower age limit for working children/adolescents.
  15. Encourage decriminalization of homosexuality, grant the right of gay and lesbian people to live their lifestyle, and grant equal civil rights for homosexual relationships including civil unions.
  16. Work to improve the opportunities of people with disabilities to live and work equally in society, including full political participation.
  17. Support the right of linguistic minorities to use their own language in Canadian courts.


The Canadian Federalist Party will:

  1. Condemn China’s oppression of religious believers and beliefs.
  2. Urge China to abolish its re-education system, use of torture, and the death penalty.
  3. Speak out against Child Labor and discrimination against China’s 150 million migrant workers.
  4. Advocate that China respect and abide by the UN Charter of Human Rights.

Governing By Sustainability Principles

The Canadian Federalist Party will:

  1. Affirm that essentials of life such as water must remain publicly owned and controlled; and also that culture, basic access to food, social and public health, education, and a free media are not ‘commodities’ to be subjected to international market agreements.
  2. Support the creation of a World Environment Organization by combining the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) into a single institution with funding and power to impose sanctions to promote global sustainable development. The World Trade Organization (WTO) should be subject to the decisions of this body.
  3. Support reformation of the World Bank and IMF so that their membership and decision-making is democratic and transparent.
  4. Advocate that international agreements on the environment, labor conditions and health should take precedence over any conflicting international trade rules.
  5. Work to curb speculative international currency transactions, encourage investment in the real economy, and create funds to promote equity in global development.
  6. Work to require corporations to abide by the environmental, labor and social laws of their own country and of the country in which they are operating, whichever are the more stringent.
  7. Work to ensure that all global organizations, especially those with significant capacity to define the rules of international trade, firmly adhere to principles of sustainable development.
  8. Advocate that corporate welfare be made transparent and subject to the same level of accountability as social welfare, with subsidies to environmentally and socially destructive activities phased out altogether.
  9. Endorse the development of civic entrepreneurship to promote a community-based economy as a way of combating social exclusion caused by economic globalization.
  10. Encourage access to developed markets for developing countries needs and the removal of quotas on textiles and clothing plus a tighter application of rules governing anti-dumping measures.
  11. Determine and reasses the need for agricultural subsidies in OECD countries.
  12. Advocate an end to the universal application of the WTO intellectual-property blueprint with developing countries enjoying the right to maintain short-term and more flexible systems of intellectual property protection; a clear and continuing commitment to put public health priorities before the claims of patent holders, a prohibition on patent protection for genetic resources for food to protect farmer’s rights to save, sell and exchange seeds.
  13. Advocate the improved capacity for developing countries to participate more effectively in international trade negotiations, including at the WTO.
  14. Advocate corporate accountability and responsibilities regarding core UN principles such as:
    1. Support and respect for the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
    2. Non – complicity in human rights abuses.
    3. Freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
    4. The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
    5. The effective abolition of child labour.
    6. The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
    7. A precautionary approach to environment challenges, including greater environmental responsibility, and encouragement of the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  15. Encourage multi-national companies to move towards good practices and multi-stakeholder dialogue.
  16. The creation of a code of conduct for multi-national corporations that would build on the principles and regulatory rules laid down in the Global Compact.
  17. Advocate that governments should aim to create a legally binding international protocol based on the Global Compact principles, to govern the production, trade, and consumption of all resources.
  18. Advocate the development of a global anti-trust mechanism to extend the principles of anti-monopoly legislation found within national borders to the wider global economy.
  19. The promotion of good governance at all levels of economic activity whether in the private or public sectors.
  20. Advocate for a World Environmental Organization to promote the implementation of existing environmental agreements and treaties, and whose main mission would be to ensure that the development of world trading and financial systems is compatible with the sustainable use of the world’s resources.
  21. Advocate the principles and mechanisms of global public goods theory, as the UNDP has suggested, reforming the wider UN system by:
  • developing criteria for fair negotiations at the global level,
  • strengthening the negotiating capacity of developing countries,
  • developing rules for interactions between state and non-state actors,
  • creating advisory scientific panels for all major global issues, following the example of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
  • creating negotiating arenas for new priority issues (such as the right of access to water for all people) together with the appropriate grievance panels (such as a world water court),
  • creating demand-driven review and response facilities to promote flexible implementation of policy regimes, such as a trade and development review council within the World Trade Organization.

Canada / US Relations

The Canadian Federalist Party will:

  1. Reassert and rebuild the capacity of the Canadian government to direct domestic economic growth and develoment.
  2. Deal with Canada-U.S. issues on a case-by-case basis whilst assessing the long term potential for stability in our inter-dependent markets.
  3. Work with NAFTA partners to develop post NAFTA trading relations.
  4. Review WTO dispute mechanisms and its separate body of law and common rules (and definitions) on subsidies, as a benchmark for revising NAFTA.
  5. Seek international accords to regulate corporate activity in areas such as transfer pricing and tax havens.
  6. Broaden relations with the other countries of this hemisphere.
  7. Open opportunities for Canadian manufacturing enterprises to supply Pacific Rim and EU markets with high Canadian content products.
  8. Ensure foreign controlled enterprises provide employment security equivalent to Canadian owned enterprises.
  9. Develop CDN/US social, cultural, economic and military association criteria and parameters that ensure Canadian autonomy, sovereignty and independence from each other.

Equity for Humanity

The Canadian Federalist Party will:

  1. Work to increase government funded Canadian assistance in infrastructure development in developing countries.
  2. Work to improve the rights, status, education and political participation of women in the global community.
  3. Commit to the goal of making high quality primary education universal.
  4. Work towards establishing transparent and accountable government financial processes in developing countries.
  5. Support direct projects to combat the great pandemics including HIV-Aids, TB and malaria.
  6. Develop strategic political, economic, financial, health & safety, and educational initiatives to help refugees begin meaninful new lives and livelihoods.
  7. Advocate a more equal allocation of welfare and the creation of equal opportunities within societies to combat the growing number of poor and marginalized people in all countries.
  8. Defend and promote the human, social and environmental rights of people regardless of race, religious beliefs or political pursuasion.
China's recent emergence onto the world scene with its' 2 billion people and on-going human rights abuses highlights the importance of Canada playing an independant role in the equitable globalization of the human condition.

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