There is no shortage of amazing opportunities that could be addressed by Canada's political leadership.
The CFP has identified pragmatic and feasible ways to achieve many current and long-term benefits for Canadians. Viable strategies for more than 40 major "nation changing" opportunities are clearly outlined inside this website.
We are looking ahead with constructive plans to accelerate growth and improve Canada. We will encourage innovation and create new or revitalized institutions and sectors.
The CFP clearly understands where we are now, where we want to go and how to get there.
Here are 5 opportunities:
1. Incr. Family Net Worth
2. Minimal Income Tax
3. Preserve Cultural Heritage
4. Update Constitution
5. Quality Education
There is a lot more to strengthening Canada than economic policies. The CFP recognizes that we need a new vision for our social and cultural development, especially in these five top-priority areas:
The CFP has strategies to increase family net worth, such as: redeeming our RRSP's at minimal tax rates to pay down mortgage principle, accelerate home ownership via mortgage interest deductions from incomes, income averaging to reduce taxes payable by higher income family member, etc.
The CFP believes that taxes on a person's wages or income is a disincentive to work and improve oneself. We have many strategies to fully fund government via commercial, industrial and resource development.
The CFP will establish a constitutional Charter of Heritage, Values, Loyalty and Responsibility that supercedes our existing Charter of Rights . The CFP believes that "Rights" should be earned by Responsible Behaviour and Respect for higher principles of Canadian Heritage, Canadian Values, Canadian Loyalty and Canadian Responsibilities.
The CFP recognizes that a New-Canada Constitution needs to be adopted that will enable Canada to improve and accelerate its' social, environmental, industrial , and governing processes into the next century.
The CFP will provide free education through the university level and new Internet based learning systems will be freely available for all grade levels. There will be a consolidation of curriculum to produce outstanding learning and communication skills in preparation for College and University programmes.